About Our Blog
Texas Appleseed is a public interest justice center. Our nonprofit works to change unjust laws and policies that prevent Texans from realizing their full potential. Our blog, The Core, is here to educate, inspire, and to offerinnovative and practical solutions to complex issues.
Comments PolicyAs nonprofit organization, this site may be visited by other advocacy organizations, publicofficials, supporters, news organizations, and other groups. While we encourage you to share comments, please understand that we must maintain a civil environment on this page. Posts that we feel are offensive, inappropriate or are not otherwise keeping with the spirit of the blog — such as advertising, SPAM, are off-topic, contain vulgar language, or that may violate the rights of others — may be removed. We reserve the right to hide comments or ban commenters. We will not allow racist epithets, hateful or violent speech/imagery,sexist language or verbal attacks on this page. These types of comments will be hidden and, in the case of repeat offenders, the users will be banned. We also ban those who have shown they cannot contribute to the dialogue in a tasteful and productive way.