Houston's Carrin Patman Next Visionary Society Honoree

Texas Appleseed is pleased to honor Carrin Patman, chair of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, at our upcoming Visionary Society reception on Thursday, March 22, 2018. Carrin has long ties to Texas Appleseed. She served on our board for nine years, rolling up her sleeves to help us change unjust laws and policies that were keeping Texans from recognizing their full potential. Today, she is leading Houston’s efforts to improve transportation options and infrastructure, as well as ensuring mobility options are accessible and keep pace with the area’s growth.
Join Us March 22 at 6 p.m. in Houston!
Prior to becoming Metro's Chair, Carrin was a partner at law firm Bracewell, where she worked for three decades until her retirement. She is a founding board member of the Center for Women in Law at the University of Texas School of Law and a senior trustee of the UT Law School Foundation. In addition to supporting Texas Appleseed. Carrin has served as a board or executive committee member for organizations including the Legacy Community Health Services Endowment, Girls Inc. of Greater Houston and Sheltering Arms Senior Services.
Texas Appleseed hosts its Visionary Society reception twice a year. Visionary Society members are individuals committed to ensuring justice for their fellow Texans and have made generous gifts to our nonprofit. Thanks to the philanthropic support of these visionaries, Texas Appleseed has the ability to respond quickly and effectively to emerging issues, and to continue our important work on current projects.
We invite members of the community interested in becoming involved in Texas Appleseed's Visionary Society to join us at our receptions.
RSVP by March 15
This event is free to attend. Contact Jamie Sauer at jsauer@texasappleseed.net to attend the March 22 reception and for additional event details.