The Core Blog

Our blog, The Core, is here to educate, inspire, and to offer practical solutions to difficult, systemic problems.

Payday Lenders Lose in Court Challenge to City of Austin Ordinance

Date Author Ann Baddour

The City of Austin ordinance designed to address harmful practices by payday and auto title loan businesses has overcome an important legal hurdle. A Travis County Court found, in two separate opinions, that the ordinance is not preempted by state law. In March, a municipal court ruled that an important provision of the Austin ordinance, one that limits payday and auto title loans to four payments and requires 25% principal pay down with every payment

Questions and Answers on Insurance Claims

Date Author Madison Sloan

Homeowner’s insurance plays a vital role in disaster recovery, not only helping families and businesses to rebuild, but also providing coverage for temporary housing and replacing personal possessions. However, homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood or windstorm damage for certain homeowners. Flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program and windstorm insurance through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association are separate insurance policies with different coverage. We wanted to take a moment to answer some questions

Educational Rights of Students Displaced by Harvey

Date Author Deborah Fowler

Yesterday, the Texas Tribune ran a story about a six-year-old girl named Karla. She and her father fled Houston’s rising flood waters through a second-story window in their apartment, with Karla’s father lowering her into the waiting arms of a Houston police officer before he climbed out himself. While the story’s primary focus is on the city’s neglect of the neighborhood in which they live, it also describes the way that the trauma of the

Recovering from Hurricane Harvey: Banks, Credit Unions, and Lenders Can Make a Real Difference for Families

Date Author Ann Baddour and Madison Sloan

Banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders and consumer lenders all have an important role to play in the Hurricane Harvey recovery.Families will be struggling to make mortgage payments, debt and bill payments, access funds, cash checks, and meet other financial services needs. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD and the VA have announced special programs for mortgage loans that they oversee, but those same protections are not required for other parts of the market. Banking regulators (

What Texas Knows from Previous Disasters

Date Author Madison Sloan

In the midst of Texas’ first hurricane since Ike and Dolly in 2008, we need to make sure that all members of our communities are included in emergency management and disaster recovery. Time after time, disasters have revealed the systemic inequities that exist for people and communities in vulnerable areas, making it even harder for them to recover. Inequitable response and recovery make rebounding from the next disaster much more difficult. From pre-disaster planning to

What the Many Owe the Few: Standing Up to Hatred and Bigotry

Date Author Deborah Fowler

I am married to a man who is an ardent World War II expert — an armchair expert, mind you, not an academic. He grew up in the shadow of the men of his grandfather’s generation, absorbing the stories of heroism they brought back after fighting against the terrorism Nazi Germany visited upon the world. What this means is that over the last 15 years, I have absorbed more World War II history than I

New Ruling Gives Hope to Texas Borrowers

Date Author Brett Merfish

A recent U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling gives hope to Texas borrowers who are wrongfully charged with a criminal violation simply because they defaulted on a loan. The court found that the defendant in the case — a payday loan company — waived its right to arbitrate when it submitted false affidavits that claimed borrowers wrote hot checks. Filing criminal complaints to collect on a debt is against the law. State law explicitly

New Report Affirms Access to Fair Loans Improves the Financial Well-Being of Texans

Date Author Ann Baddour

A new report by Texas Appleseed, Fair Loans and Family Finances, finds that access to fair loans improves financial stability for low-income Texans. The report examines survey data from nearly 400 Community Loan Center borrowers (CLC). The Community Loan Center, with nine locations throughout Texas,offers low-cost loans to borrowers who might otherwise use payday or auto title loans to meet a short-term financial need. The loan, a maximum of $1,000, is offered at 18% interest

2017 Legislative Priority: Increase Supports for Homeless Youth

Date Author Deborah Fowler

Updated: May 15, 2017 House & Senate Include Important Provisions in Proposed Budgets When youth do not have a safe, secure, and stable place to live, their health and schooling can be gravely impacted — and it can set them up for long-lasting negative outcomes. That is why Texas Appleseed and the Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) continue to advocate for youth who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, homelessness. We are also excited

Bill to Reduce Financial Abuse of Vulnerable Texans Passes the House

Date Author Ann Baddour

Just in time for Elder Abuse Prevention Month, the Texas House passed HB 3921 last week — a bill by Rep. Tan Parker, Chair, House Investments & Financial Services. This bill aims to reduce financial abuse by providing financial institutions and securities dealers with tools and authorization to place a hold on suspicious transactions. Once money is in the hands of fraudsters and those taking advantage of vulnerable family members, it is difficult, if not

2017 Legislative Priority: Rein in Abusive Payday and Auto Title Lending Practices in Texas

Date Author Ann Baddour

Updated: May 2, 2017 Loan Shark Bill Moving in Texas House: Oppose HB 3081 HB 3081 would expand abusive payday lending in Texas and erase hard-fought local protections (the unified city ordinance) that at least 42 Texas cities have passed since 2011.We MUST stop HB 3081 frombeing placed on the House Calendar. TAKE ACTION TO DEFEND THE CITY ORDINANCES:Please call as many of the following committee members as you can, especially the ones in your

2017 Legislative Priority: End Jail Time for Unpaid Fines in Texas

Date Author Mary Mergler

Updated: March 27, 2017 Several great bills have been filed this session to improve how courts handle fines and court costs in criminal cases, so that people are able to resolve what they owe while avoiding the counterproductive cycle of debt, warrants and jail time that often results. Here are a few of the bills that Texas Appleseed strongly supports: Senate Bill 1913 (Zaffirini) was drafted based on 2016 recommendations on court costs approved by